Monday, October 12, 2015


Hi all,

Hope you are having a week or maybe you need some sugar to perk you up, a Macwich would be a good choice!

As a new born business, after being around for a few months by participating various events and fleas, we are really happy and appreciate all the positive feedbacks and comments that we have been receiving. Just like any other businesses (and living beings), we all look forward to grow and expansion. The Guilty Way is now trying to find space to set up a more permanent store than of just participating in ad hoc events. Don't get us wrong, we love meeting new people and will still participate in future events, but at the same time, we want to find a place where we can settle down in so that you can find us anytime when you crave for our Macwich. 

If you have an extra space (even if its a small one, although our Macwich is big and fat but we are really flexible), we will be more than happy to hear from you. You can be a landlord or a fellow business that want to save a few penny and share rental with us or to accentuate a brand new retail experiences for shoppers, do contact us, we will be more than happy to discuss the possible opportunities over a cup of coffee and/or our Macwich. 

Talk to us, about anything, we look forward to hearing from you. Simply write in here

The Guilty Way